Our Team

Jay – The “GM”
Jay’s been at this for more than 20 years. He’s seen the industry change, markets change, products come in and out of fashion and has managed to help his clients grow and adapt at each step of the way. While starting off strictly as an Investment Advisor, Jay evolved into a true Generalist. Being able to identify where clients need to focus and help them clearly shape their goals and dreams while pointing out the risks has become Jay’s expertise. Every client should be “slightly uncomfortable” when it comes to their finances – this is one of Jay’s philosophies that has worked for the hundreds of families he’s dealt with over his career. Jay is a proud father and husband and works in his community in many different capacities – on the Board of his synagogue, running fundraisers for SickKids and more.
Read a special message from Jay: Dreams Come True – It Starts With Me
Jay H. Papernick, Hons. BA, CPCA, EPC
Branch Owner, Senior Financial Advisor
416-939-2000 ext.200

Maria – The “Partner”
Maria is the planner and partner in the practice. In her 10 years of experience, she’s played every role, understands what clients are looking for, what they need now and what they’ll need before they even ask for it. Maria’s focus is financial, tax and estate planning. Maria started out as an immigrant from Colombia and has become not only a Certified Financial Planner but will soon attain the Chartered Investment Manager designation. She enjoys traveling, running and surfing. She’s smarter than Jay, but don’t tell him that.
Maria Paula Diaz, BA, CFP®
Financial Advisor
416-939-2000 ext.201

The “Follow-Ups”
Has been in the business for 2+ years, in different roles. Loves to learn and is looking forward to learning more about not just investments but insurance as well. Nicole excels in client service, is not afraid to role up her sleeves and get things done. She’s an avid hiker, traveler, loves her dog and cooking.
Nicole Van Diepen
Admin Coordinator, Assistant
416-939-2000 Ext 202

Comes to us from the industry with experience in both Insurance and Investments. She recently just became security licensed and is looking forward to rounding out her knowledge to better serve clients. Jordan likes anything to do with fitness, her dog, new foods and is an amateur mixologist. She just moved to the “big city” and can’t wait for Covid to let her enjoy the neighbourhood more.
Jordan Brown
Admin Coordinator, Assistant
416-939-2000 Ext 204

Amy – The “Back-up”
Amy is the foundation and support for everyone, and not just at the office! As you may have guessed, she’s Jay’s wife, mother of 3, in addition to being a support to the team and the branch. From event planning to making sure things run smoothly, Amy gives that extra little push that we all need to get a project over the finish line.
Amy Papernick
Admin Coordinator, Assistant

Jordy – The “Up and Comer”
Jordy spent this past summer as an intern as part of his educational program at the Schulich School of Business at York University. He’s keenly interested in finance and showed a knack for learning systems and processes very quickly. He’s also a big soccer fan. More importantly his parents named him after the character from Star Trek, so Jay has promised him a full time job whenever he likes! We hope Jordy comes back whenever his schedule allows!
Jordon Martin
Student of The Schulich School of Business, Intern